Monday 22 October 2018

Analogue introspection, part 2, over on Medium...

On Saturday I published what I like to think of as part two of the writing generated during my week without my laptop. Or, my analogue introspection period...

The new piece is about vinyl, the peaks and troughs of vinyl sales and production, the vinyl revival, and 1990s cultural myths. 

It's actually quite a hard piece to sum up in many ways, and I'm glad I wrote it for Medium instead of trying to pitch it to a publication because, frankly, I think it would have been utterly un-pitchable.

It's the kind of piece that wouldn't fit into a music magazine because it's a bit too quaint/weird, but it also wouldn't fit into a women's magazine because it's too specialist/niche interest. It also wouldn't have fitted into a fanzine because I didn't write it in a fanzine style. About the only other place it could have found a home is in a section of experience based writing in an academic publication I think and, even then, it wouldn't have been published in its current form.

I think what I'm trying to say here is:

It's not that writing is hard in itself.

It's finding a home for what you want to write about that's the hard bit.

In that regard, I'm glad Medium exists.

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

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